eSourcing helps active sellers and genuine buyers from the industrial & engineering sector to connect with each other. To encourage every seller to have an online presence, we have ensured that there are no exorbitant fees. In reality, using the features comes at a quite low cost; our pricing model is very special!!
Connect with Active Sellers
** Amount for Direct Leads and In-Stock Leads is deducted directly from the wallet of ACTIVE SELLER.
## Amount for Indirect Leads shall be deducted from Wallet only after Seller purchases the Indirect lead.
*** If wallet balance falls below 10, Active Seller is converted into Free Seller.
– For e-Store all details & images to be provided by seller.
– For Products/Services above 25 get in touch with sales team.
– Sellers gets 100% e-Cash refund if the enquiry is fake, useless or spam. Checkout our Refund Policy for further details.
For further information or any other queries, please contact the
eSourcing team at